the creative courage writing intensive

The Creative Courage Writing Intensive

A 12-week integrative experience for creatives, soul searchers, and storytellers who want to find a deeper level of self-expression, creative courage, and confidence through writing.

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The winter session will run from January 9 - March 20, 2025.

Early Bird Registration is open from December 9 - December 14, 2024.

Regular registration is open from December 15 - January 5 or when all spots are full.

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Integrate self-discovery and creative development to build courage in your most authentic voice

This three-month group intensive offered in January and June takes a holistic look at creative courage through self-discovery and personal storytelling. Participants learn how to nourish the creative process, embrace vulnerability, and cultivate lifestyle habits that nurture a fully expressed life. Join us, and you will:

— Clarify what creative courage means to you and how to cultivate it for a more fulfilling lifestyle

— Recognize where creative blocks come from and how to work through them so they don’t stop your progress

— Develop resilience against rejection, self-doubt, and burnout with growth-minded concepts that transform limiting beliefs

— Recognize and release the defense mechanisms that lead to self-censoring and self-denial so you can unblock for fuller expression

— Become inspired by creative discomfort so you can experience the expansion beyond it

— Increase your energetic capacity to take creative risks and experiment to find your own unique path

— Build courage and refine your voice in a supportive creative community


You never know where your creative journey might take you.

The Creative Courage Intensive will give you the mindset and toolbox you need for the long game.

Maybe you have ideas that live in notebooks, on post-it notes and vision boards; but you’ve stalled on them for months, sometimes years. When you do set aside time, you feel resistance and disconnection from the work, and the frustration stops you from making progress.

If you are experiencing resistance when you fix your mind on a specific project or goal, I show you how to zoom out and reconsider your overall creative practice, which starts well before you sit down to write, draw, paint, plan, or however you make your art.

Imagine a lifestyle where you know what fuels your creativity and you mindfully incorporate habits and rhythms into your life that keep your mind, body, and soul replenished.

Imagine developing a process that you trust to pull you through challenges and bring your creative visions to life.

The Creative Courage Intensive provides detailed guidance on how to cultivate your own creative process, and develop the discernment, mindset, and habits that give you the courage to live the creative life you envision.

photo credit: @luca_nicoletti

When you let go of old stories about your creative limitations,
you can make room for empowering new possibilities.


Creativity is most genuine when it’s revealed — not without resistance — but in spite of it.

Do you have a creative calling that you can’t seem to start, continue, or finish? Is there a story you need to tell that inspires you and intimidates you at the same time? Perhaps you have an urge to reconnect with your inner artist and rediscover your whimsicality and freedom of expression.

This intensive is the answer for those who value creative expression, but struggle to overcome doubt, self-consciousness, uncertainty, and conflicting responsibilities. 

One of the fears that keeps us from acting on our creative callings is the fear that we will disappoint ourselves. We don't know where to start to guarantee success. We don't know how to keep going when life interrupts. We fear that our results won't do our vision justice. What if we start climbing and never reach the top? What if it's all a waste of time? 

In this group, success comes from showing up. The answers are hidden in the work. We have to live our way through the questions. The only way you can disappoint yourself is by not making the effort to understand the deeper layers of your creative work and what it takes to bring it to life.

Through a combination of self-study, group coaching, community wisdom, and storytelling, the creative courage framework leads to a fresh perspective on writing and the role it can play in your life.

photo credit: @jentheodore

I’ve taken GG’s Creative Courage course a couple of times and each time, I come away with something new
and a courageous piece I didn’t know I had in me. If you’re looking for a way to bring out your courage in your writing, this is the course for you.”

Ashleigh Vaughn, workshop participant

Creative Courage Participants are:

Creatives seeking a warm community to share their peaks, valleys, and plateaus
Self-healers reclaiming their creative dreams and identities
Corporate, Academic, and Medical Professionals writing for deeper vulnerability and expression
Entrepreneurs seeking story inspiration and creative well-being
Advocates writing their stories for a purpose-driven cause
Heart-centered writers who are building a platform to find their ideal readers
Parents and Caregivers who are committed to carving out time for their creative callings
Neurodivergent writers seeking help with focus and accountability
Neurotypical writers seeking help with surrender, imperfection, and vulnerability
Aspiring authors seeking ideas for developing their craft and process

and more…

Here are some of the concerns that people come into this experience with:


The Framework

The Creative Courage framework brings together my experience as a writer + self-help author, creative development coach, and workshop facilitator.

I leverage my corporate and creative experience to target barriers to expression for people from all walks of life.

The material is based on client-tested self-discovery work that clarifies and transforms your creative process.

I use this framework with individual clients and small groups, as well as organizational clients like the University of Maryland School of Public Health and Cornell University.

Participants come away with an understanding of how their lifestyle habits can work with the creative process and not against it to bring their ideas, projects, and goals to life.

Your Guide

I’m a self-help author whose books and guided journals center writing as a tool for self-care, personal growth, and creative courage.

I self-published three books from 2014-2018, The Beautiful Disruption, Wallflower, and Writing the Layers: A Self-Discovery Workbook.

I’m the author of Self-Care Check-in: A Guided Journal to Build Healthy Habits and Devote Time to You (Rockridge, 2020), and A Year of Self-Reflection Journal: 365 Days of Guided Prompts to Slow Down, Tune In, and Grow (Rockridge, 2021).

My next book, Story Work: Field Notes on Self-Discovery and Reclaiming Your Narrative, is forthcoming from Broadleaf Books in fall 2025.




Live Interactive Coaching Sessions take place every other Thursday from 6-8 pm et.

The specific session dates are January 9 and 23, February 6 and 20, and March 6 and 20.


There are TWO options available—Core and Boost— distinguished by the level of support.


early bird $385 | regular $480

The Core version includes the full Creative Courage Curriculum plus access to all Inner Story Writing Circle Programming


six live instructional sessions with a free week for reflection and implementation between each one


presentation slides, homework writing guides with audio voiceover, and recordings of live sessions


being in the presence of other soul-centered creatives heals your heart and expands your mind

guided process journaling

my signature accountability form designed to reveal and empower your creative process


to facilitate self-discovery and the development of powerful personal narratives


includes optional cowriting sessions, monthly group journaling sessions, developmental workshops and more


early bird $585 | regular $675

The Boost version includes all the features of Creative Courage Core plus two 45-minute 1:1 sessions

1:1 sessions W/ GG

(via Zoom)

individualized support for your creative challenges and questions
guidance and sounding board for your workshop project

Working with GG has truly transformed my life. Her Creative Courage Writing Intensive was lovingly crafted and infused with GG’s wisdom and warmth. A master facilitator, GG blended structured learning time with plenty of space for workshop participants to ask questions and share their own experiences, challenges, and discoveries. The connection to and support from the entire group encouraged me as I completed and shared a piece of writing—something I haven’t done for a very long time. I came away with a treasure trove of resources, a plan for continued creative expression and self-care, and the confidence that I can write and share the stories I want to tell. I’m so grateful for this experience. It has filled my empty cup.”

Jennifer Duncan, workshop participant


Writing took me from living a defeated story to finding a creative vision for my life.

The practice of writing helped me reframe old stories about mental illness and its impact on my life. Now my mission is to help others improve the quality of their lives through the power of the written word. 

When I struggled with my mental health as a young mom, I kept it to myself. Not wanting to appear weak or unstable, I thought I could handle it on my own without talking about it. This is the example that was set for me when I was growing up—we didn’t talk about my mother’s mental illness. But keeping my truths silent was eating me up inside.

When I finally sought out a creative outlet to heal, I felt called to contribute to healing discussions around vulnerability and mental wellness. I stole time to write at lunchtime, late at night after putting the kids to bed, in parking lots in between chauffeuring them around. Inspired and awakened, I couldn’t stop if I wanted to. I would sit in meetings at my corporate job and daydream about the books I wanted to write, and the creative life I wanted to live. 

Stories became my lifeline, and eventually I left that job and followed my calling to help others find their voices. My creative journey has taught me to rely on authenticity, curiosity, and a growth mindset to carry me through each new challenge, and this is the energy I instill in my clients.

Imagine a lifestyle where you know what fuels your creativity and you mindfully incorporate habits and rhythms into your life that keep your soul replenished. Imagine developing a process that you trust to pull you through challenges and bring your creative visions to life. Through the Creative Courage framework, you will come away with fresh perspectives and actionable tools to cultivate the creative freedom you seek.

GG's workshops are always quite transformative for me. Her engaging style and supportive nature make it easy to explore the uncharted territory of my creative efforts. I appreciate the structured approach she takes, as it turns previously daunting goals into the achievable. I also value her commitment to creating a safe and exploratory environment where we can take chances and push boundaries while moving at the pace that is right for us. This helped me find a level of ease in facing my own discomfort. No matter where you are in your creative journey, I'm certain you'll find value in GG's programs. I'm personally looking forward to continuing to learn from and grow through the various AML offerings!”

Erica D’Eramo, workshop participant


How I coach you to embrace vulnerability and embody your creative identity

It’s my life’s work to help people reclaim their creative voices, values, and visions. Combining my professional experience as an author, coach, and facilitator with my personal journey as a self-healer, and mental health advocate, I’ve spent the past ten years creating blogs, books, journals, workshops, and coaching programs that center writing as a tool for healing, personal growth, and expression.

My coaching sessions combine the practical insights of a writing workshop with the radical acceptance and emotional communion of a support group. I approach coaching and consulting as a teaching artist, sharing lessons from my journey along the way.

A great way to get a feel for what you will experience in Creative Courage is to watch the 20-minute welcome video that goes along with the pre-workshop writing guide that new participants receive when they sign up. I invite you to set aside a few moments to yourself, grab a journal, and watch the video linked below. In addition to learning more about the writing intensive, you can jot down the reflection questions and use them as a self-study practice.

The Creative Courage intensive helped me develop a story about a difficult experience that I’ve been trying to write about for years. The supportive creative practices GG shared, as well as the safe space she creates in the group, enabled me to access a more honest and vulnerable part of my writing voice.”

Melissa Waggenspack, workshop participant


By the end of this experience, you will have tools to:

+ Reconnect with your inner child and your imagination to reaffirm your creative identity

+ Recognize where your creative blocks come from and how to work through them

+ Release the defense mechanisms that lead to self-censoring and self-denial

+ Become inspired by creative discomfort instead of paralyzed by it

+ Focus your creative intelligence and identify what type of support you need based on your creative type

+ Develop a trusted process by observing your habits, patterns, distractions, and obstacles in a strategic way

+ Separate your self-worth from the success or failure of your ideas

+ Increase your capacity to take purposeful risks and invigorate your life with creative experimentation

+ Debunk limiting beliefs, build courage, and refine your voice in a supportive creative community

+ Bring more of your creative ideas to life in your personal and professional life

photo credit: @patresinger

I just want to say I am so grateful for you and this class that you have put together.  I am finding this time and work so inspiring.  We all have the answers within us, I tell clients this exact thing all the time and sometimes we just need someone else to reflect that back for us.  Your course and your spirit is such a gift.  Thank you for all your inner work that you have done and now you are inspiring so many to do the same.  Your girls and even your ancestors are feeling this shift that you have created- healing goes all ways.” 

Kaylee J., workshop participant


You are called to take on a new creative project or open paths to more expression in your life.

You’re seeking practical tools to overcome the creative fears that keep you from acting on your ideas.

You’re a purpose-driven writer who wants to work through the fear of vulnerability.

You want to develop a creative process that works for your temperament and lifestyle.

You want to stop daydreaming about writing and start taking action.

You’re seeking a mentor + community that help you see and believe that a creative life is possible.

this is not for you if:

You’re not looking for a holistic approach that incorporates mindset work, mindfulness practices, and self-care strategies into your creative practice.

You’re not interested in using writing exercises as a tool for creative self-discovery.

You’re seeking a workshop that focuses on craft and skill over vulnerability and courage.

You’re looking for shortcuts or hacks to achieving your creative goals.

You’re not willing or able to carve out time to do the exercises.

You’re not willing or able to bring an open heart and mind to the group.

Having just completed my second round of the Creative Courage Intensive, I am incredibly grateful for GG's approach to supporting not only writers, but also soul seekers of all kinds. Her way of teaching, her frameworks for harnessing creativity, and her gentle and vulnerable way of holding space for everyone in her programs is so unique, warm, and inspiring. I'm incredibly grateful to GG for giving me the support, but even more so the confidence, to own my work as a writer and a human who wants to grow and make my life something that I love being in!”

Beth Anne Fisher, workshop participant

Creative Courage Writing Intensive — Core
One time
For 3 months

A 12-week integrative experience for creatives, soul searchers, and storytellers who want to find a deeper level of self-expression, creative courage, and confidence through writing. Early Bird Registration is open from December 9 - 14. Regular registration will be open from December 15 - January 5 or whenever all spots are full. Monthly installment payments are available.

✓ all the core creative courage programming and curriculum
✓ access to all features of the Inner Story Writing Circle
✓ access to paywalled exercises and session on Substack
Creative Courage Writing Intensive w/ 1:1 Boost Sessions
One time
For 3 months

A 12-week integrative experience for creatives, soul searchers, and storytellers who want to find a deeper level of self-expression, creative courage, and confidence through writing. Early Bird Registration is open from December 9 - 14. Regular registration will be open from December 15 - January 5 or whenever all spots are full. Monthly installment payments are available.

✓ all the core creative courage programming and curriculum
✓ access to all features of the Inner Story Writing Circle
✓ access to paywalled exercises and sessions on Substack
✓ two 45-minute 1:1 boost sessions w/ GG

GG is a calm and warm guide - she has a way of leading you back to yourself, and the way that she does it is through the art of writing. I recommend GG to anyone searching for 'what else' - this work will help you return to yourself.”

Zachary Anderson, workshop participant

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Creative Courage Writing Intensive — Core
One time
For 3 months

A 12-week integrative experience for creatives, soul searchers, and storytellers who want to find a deeper level of self-expression, creative courage, and confidence through writing. Early Bird Registration is open from December 9 - 14. Regular registration will be open from December 15 - January 5 or whenever all spots are full. Monthly installment payments are available.

✓ all the core creative courage programming and curriculum
✓ access to all features of the Inner Story Writing Circle
✓ access to paywalled exercises and session on Substack
Creative Courage Writing Intensive w/ 1:1 Boost Sessions
One time
For 3 months

A 12-week integrative experience for creatives, soul searchers, and storytellers who want to find a deeper level of self-expression, creative courage, and confidence through writing. Early Bird Registration is open from December 9 - 14. Regular registration will be open from December 15 - January 5 or whenever all spots are full. Monthly installment payments are available.

✓ all the core creative courage programming and curriculum
✓ access to all features of the Inner Story Writing Circle
✓ access to paywalled exercises and sessions on Substack
✓ two 45-minute 1:1 boost sessions w/ GG


If you are interested but have additional questions, please feel free to contact me.


There are no refunds.