vulnerability in personal storytelling (self-study)
“When your dreams are bigger than the places you find yourself in, sometimes you need to seek out your own reminders that there is more. And there is always more waiting for you on the other side of fear.”
― Elaine Welteroth
One of the questions I get most often is: How are you able to be so vulnerable in your writing?
My answer is that getting clear on why you want to tell your story will lead you to the courage to tell it. Your why will also lead you to what stories to tell and how, when, and where to share them. I created a free video training on this topic that will be free to my newsletter subscribers for a limited time.
Each of us have the power to look at our lived experiences to find meaning and wisdom that we can transform however we want: into art, into lifestyle, into legacy. In my workshops, one of our agreements with each other is that we will view creative vulnerability as generosity, meaning we will realize how offering up our humanity through story is a gift to ourselves and others. In this 66-minute deep dive,
I’ll be answering questions like:
I want to write my story but where do I start? What stories do I tell?
I have a painful past. Will writing about it bring up emotions I can't handle?
I don't think of myself as a great writer. How do I do my story justice?
I want to share my story but maintain my anonymity. What techniques can I use?
How much is too much? How do I know when I'm oversharing?
How can vulnerability enrich my life and work?
You’ll come away from this workshop with:
A writing guide with exercises and best practices for writing personal stories that capture your unique life experiences
Perspective on your unique storyteller type and how grasping it can build courage
How to access your most honest, authentic voice
How to take care of yourself as you do the introspective work of mining the stories you want to tell
Please note that this workshop is included for free inside of the Inner Story Writing Circle subscription which is $40/month. You can learn more about it here.
Working independently means that you can go at your own pace, and make the experience work uniquely for you.
While I advocate hard for creative community, I also value the sacredness of solitude and nourishing your own inner connection.
Once you purchase this self-study, you will receive a digital download of the slides, where you can access the link to the instructional video.
There are no refunds, but if you have a problem or concern about your purchase, please contact me and we can discuss your situation. In most cases, I offer a credit that can be used at a later date for another workshop.